SAT Online Classes

SAT Online Classes at Povard Academy prepares students for SAT test via our dedicated online learning platform.

About SAT

The Scholastic Aptitude Test, also known as the SAT, is taken by high school juniors and seniors applying to colleges and universities. This exam can be taken internationally six times during the year. .

The Scholastic Aptitude Test, or SAT, is a global recognized test admitting students into colleges and universities all over the United States.

The SAT test is taken by high school students to demonstrate to colleges what the prospective student knows and how well they can apply their knowledge. There are three aspects of the test: reading, writing, and math. SAT scores are sent out to your desired colleges and universities as part of the admissions package.

Colleges and universities look at the combination of high school grades and SAT scores. This combination serves as a prediction of a student’s future academic success. A student’s scores on the reading, math, and writing sections will project the student’s ability to handle college courses in critical reading, mathematics, and writing. The content of these courses is more complex in college than it is in high school, but the skills and their practical application are the same.

The skills assessed on the SAT are skills that you have been learning since you started grade school. The skills that will be assessed are critical reading, grammar and usage, identifying errors in a written passage, arithmetic operations, algebra, geometry, statistics, and probability. You will show your knowledge of these skills through the process of answering multiple choice questions. There will also be a written essay portion of the exam. The SAT is meant to show your scholastic ability. Logic and abstract thinking are not tested during the taking of the SAT.

SAT Format

The SAT is the more reliable and validated standardized test in the United States and around the world. The three sections are all assessed during the same day. The SAT is a timed test. The test, if a student uses all the time available to them, takes three hours and 45 minutes. Within these three skill sets—reading, mathematics, and writing—there are 10 separately timed sections. Three sections of the test focus on reading, three on mathematics, and three on writing.

The tenth section is a variable section that could be any one of the three subjects. This last section is not scored. Possible SAT questions are being tested on students every year. This final section is made up of questions that a board of educators has already approved for the SAT question bank, but need to be tested on current high school students. SAT questions are constantly being changed and updated. Questions are tested on current high school students to determine whether they are learning these topics in school or not. The SAT is a test that assesses the reading, writing, and mathematical skills that students have been taught from grades K-12.

Available SAT Classes Offered:

  1. SAT Maths
  2. SAT Reading
  3. SAT Writing